Heilig aardewerk
za 22 jun
|Landgoed de Denneboom

Tijd en locatie
22 jun 2024, 11:00 – 17:00
Landgoed de Denneboom, Gestelseweg, 5481 XD Schijndel, Nederland
Over het evenement
Deze dag is een vervolg op eerdere activaties en onderdeel van een project dat de afgelopen 3 jaar door Obia Uma Garra rrana de wereld over is gereisd.
Gegroet en welkom, mooie fam, voor een dag vol speelsheid waarin we afstemmen op de energie van Mama Aisa/Aarde Moeder. Door met klei te werken en heilige potten te maken.
Terwijl we ons bezighouden met dit proces van werken met de potten, openen we het energieveld om in balans te komen en te harmoniseren.
Deze dag beginnen we met een dans en meditatie samen. Gevolgd door het kleien van de potten richting het activerende ritueel. Om deze activatie te verwezenlijken hebben we minimaal een bijeenkomst van 7 mannen, 7 vrouwen en 7 kinderen nodig.
Sta op en straal samen naar een speelse dag waar ieder individu belangrijk is om dit proces op collectief niveau samen te vervullen.
Over Garra rrana
Garra rrana ~ die de Blauwe Libel symboliseert/de kracht van transformatie en zelfrealisatie.
Obia Uma/Nana Garra rrana is een afstammeling uit de inheemse bevolking van Suriname. Een natuurlijk heler, zangeres, creatief kunstenaar en moeder van vier kinderen.
Dienstbaar zijn om degenen te inspireren, te herinneren en te ondersteunen die zijn vergeten wie ze zijn en waar ze vandaan komen. Garra rrana begeleidt hen terug naar huis en biedt hen hulpmiddelen en herinneringen aan om de leiding over hun eigen leven terug te nemen.
Ze bewandelt de zanglijnen van haar Afrikaanse voorouders en hun geesten. Ze hebben hun eeuwenoude rituelen, wijsheid en kennis aan haar doorgegeven. Met haar grootmoeder als gids werkt ze met traditionele medicijnplanten.
Garra rrana deelt deze geschenken, gecombineerd met haar levenservaringen, verschillende helende vaardigheden en leringen van de natuur. Een brug bouwen om anderen opnieuw te verbinden met hun voorouders, geesten en bewustzijn te brengen over de kracht van de natuur en haar leringen. Zij zal u helpen herinneren hoe u moet communiceren en luisteren.
Alle uitwisselingen vinden plaats via de ervaring van rituelen, ceremonies, dans, muziek en de gechannelde liederen. Het openen van de weg naar het hart en het resoneren van de boodschappen van de geesten, om het hart te laten ontwaken en te verlichten ~ waardoor je dieper kunt luisteren, zodat je je eigen waarheid kunt voelen.
- Deze dag is gebaseerd op donaties met een sliding scale om materiaal kosten te dekken
- Neem een vegan (diervrij eten) potluck gerecht mee voor de lunch
Voor meer informatie of vragen contact;
Sacred Pottery
Surinam-African tradition
This day is a continuation of previous activations and part of a project that has been traveled over the world the last 3 years by Obia Uma Garra rrana.Â
Greetings & welcome, beautiful fam, for a one day of playfulness were we align in the energy of Mama Aisa/Earth Mother. Through working with clay and creating sacred pots.Â
While we engage in this proces of working with the pots we open the energy field to balance and harmonize.Â
This day we start with a dance and meditation together. Followed by claying the pots moving towards the activation ritual. To fulfill this activation we at least need a gathering of 7 men, 7 women and 7 children. Rise and shine towards a playful day together, where every individual is important to fulfill this proces on a collective level.
About Garra rrana
Garra rrana ~ which symbolizes the Blue Dragonfly/the power of transformation and self realisation.
Obia Uma /Nana Garra rrana is a descendant of the indigenous people of Surinam. A natural healer, singer, creative artist and mother of four children.
Being in service to inspire, remember and support those whom have forgotten who they are and where they came from. Garra rrana is guiding them back home and offering them tools and remembrance to take back the leadership of ones own life.
She is walking the songlines of her African Ancestors and their spirits. They have passed on their ancient rituals, wisdom and knowledge to her. With her Grandmother as her guide she is working with traditional medicine plants.
Garra rrana is sharing these gifts, combined with her life experiences, different healing skills and teachings of nature. Building a bridge to reconnect others with their Ancestors, spirits and bringing awareness to the power of nature and its teachings. She will guide you in remembering how to communicate and listen.
All sharings are through the experience of rituals, ceremonies, dance, music and the channeled songs. Opening the way to the heart and resonate the messages from the spirits, to awaken and enlight the heart ~ leading you to deeper listening so you can feel your own truth.
- This day is donation based with a sliding scale to cover the material;
Kids 6 - 18 €16
Grown up €33 - €66
- Bring a vegan (animal free food) potluck dish for lunch
- We are outside, so be aware of what to wear, we are gonna play!
For further information or questions connect; dreamtimedragonfly@gmail.com
More about this project
This project/ritual was created after an activation three years ago, after wich it began to travel around the world- the clay was shared among many.
Grateful that they all have contributed to the growth of this project. Together we are travelling through the initiations, molding, growing together, connecting in creation. We are building a foundation for a network of pot carriers. A new cycle begins.
You will be guided by Obia Uma Garra rrana, the lessons of nature and the spirits, by Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Forest, according to Surinam/African tradition. It is a journey with yourself through various initiations in which Clarity, Trust, Surrender, Power, and Love play a role.
Obia Uma Garra rrana is the carrier of the mother pot. This pot is the power source and the divider. It is transformed/created anew for each new circle. Everyone who participates is affected by a portion of the mother pot. You blend that part with your clay and create your own pots. This is how we are all connected. Together we form a network of pot carriers all over the world, in which you use and carry your clay pot in your own way. You continue to play with it, share, grow, transform. Your sacred clay pot may be your caregiver who keeps you awake on your path. You can experience your own rituals and offerings to nourish and care for yourself, to grow, manifest, inspire and develop.
This journey gives you tools that help you to remember your essence, stay true to your true self, take charge of your own life and mission, in order to walk your way in your full potential and in purity/kaseri.
Taking care of yourself means taking care of each other and our earth mother.
A day when we are together and everyone creates three pots. Throughout the day there are activities, meditations and rituals to guide you on your way to your next clay pot. We shape our way up.
• Am I really attuned to my truth, my purity
• What are my wishes and desires
• How do I achieve them?
• What makes me happy?
• What choices do I make?
• And how does that make me feel?
When the pots and you have rested and the integration has started, we will come together again to burn our clay pot in an open fire, as part of an important traditional transformational ritual.
We celebrate your essence/your ori, as an essential part of the whole, with Transformation, Embracing, Trust, Empowering. Gratefully, we celebrate your love, wisdom and strength.
Be welcome to take your place, where you have created space to experience the vastness inside of you and the seed of your full potential. The space in which you are complete.
Thanks to our ancestors and the spirits
Let's shape together!
YeyemioYeye ÄSHE
Ticket heilig aardewerk
Dit ticket is voor de begeleide dag exclusief lunch, neem een potluck gerecht mee.
Van € 16,00 tot € 66,00Verkoop geëindigd op- € 16,00+€ 0,40 servicekosten
- € 33,00+€ 0,83 servicekosten
- € 38,00+€ 0,95 servicekosten
€ 0,00